Think Out Loud

Broadcast: Tuesday, June 25

A rock climber climbs Smith Rock on May 16, 2020. It was the first weekend that Smith Rock State Park was open since the pandemic shut down parks in Oregon.

A rock climber climbs Smith Rock on May 16, 2020.

Stephani Gordon / OPB

Outdoor recreation generates around $7.5 billion in Oregon, according to the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable. Some of our most popular industries include boating, tent camping, hiking and climbing. But while the industry generates more than 70,000 jobs in the state, some of these workers face dangers that go beyond just natural elements.

As reported in the New York Times, women are reporting more abuse and sexual harassment in climbing. In 2018, a survey of over 5,000 climbers found that 47% of women and 16% of men faced unwanted sexual behavior while climbing.

Respect Outside was founded in 2019 by Gina McClard and Jim Miller in Bend. Together they help provide trainings, policies and procedures to help prevent sexual harassment and discrimination in outdoor spaces. They join us to share more.

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