Remember if it's too hot for you, it's too hot for them.

PORTLAND, Ore. — Hot temperatures can be uncomfortable and dangerous for animals, just like humans. As the Pacific Northwest braces for a record hot weekend of triple-digit temperatures, it's important to remember to also take care of your pets.

During Fourth of July weekend, temperatures are expected to reach triple digits for the first time this summer. With many events and ways to stay cool around Portland, it is also important to think about your pets during this time of extreme heat.

"Any time that it feels hot for you, it is hot for your pets," Shana O'Marra, with Dove Lewis Veterinary Emergency Animal Hospital, told KGW during a 2021 interview.

She shared some tips to keep your pets safe in hot weather.

Keep pets protected, ideally indoor in air conditioning or in a cool room. If you do take them outside for a walk, make it short and keep their paws off the pavement.

"When the pavement is really hot, they can actually form burns on their paws," O'Marra said. "So, a good rule of thumb is to lay your hand on the pavement before you take your pet out.”  

A walk should also come with plenty of water. 

"Pack some extra water not just for yourself but for your dog and honestly other pets that you might come across in case someone else didn’t prepare well.”  

This advice is not just for dogs and cats — she said it applies to any animals spending time outdoors.

"Heat stress can affect all of our pets, so the best thing to do is think about the normal environment for your pet and try to maintain that," O'Marra said.

Signs of heat stress include excessive panting or salivating, bright red membranes on the tongue or eyes and even seizures.

The Oregon Humane Society suggests the following safety precautions when making sure your animals stay happy and healthy during extreme heat:

  • Keep drinking water bowls full of cool, fresh water

  • Provide shaded areas where a pet can rest if outdoors

  • Use a misting hose to provide a cool area for a pet while outside

  • Utilize a kiddie pool for dogs to splash and relax in

  • Keep an eye on pets around water—not all pets are natural swimmers

  • Exercise or have strenuous playtime in the cool of the morning or at dusk, not during heat of the day

  • Do not leave pets unattended outside when it gets hot; bring inside

  • Leave your pet at home when you are running errands – NOT in the car

  • Light-colored pets can sunburn—check with your veterinarian before applying sunblock to your pet’s nose

Former KGW reporter Christelle Koumoué contributed to this story.