Think Out Loud

Broadcast: Monday, July 29

FILE: The Astoria-Megler Bridge as seen from the top of the Astoria Column. The bridge spans the mouth of the Columbia River, from Astoria to Point Ellice, Wash., as seen May 6, 2023.

FILE: The Astoria-Megler Bridge as seen from the top of the Astoria Column. The bridge spans the mouth of the Columbia River, from Astoria to Point Ellice, Wash., as seen May 6, 2023.

Allison Frost / OPB

Neal Cummings has owned and run Video Horizons in Astoria for the last 40 years. It’s now the city’s only video rental store, and one of only a handful of businesses in Oregon where you can rent or buy movies on VHS or DVD. We talk with Cummings about how he got into this business, what keeps him going and why he thinks people still want an alternative to streaming movies in the digital age.

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