A third family has sued Oaks Amusement Park over the malfunction of its pendulum ride last month.

As WW previously reported, AtmosFEAR left 28 passengers, many of them kids out on a field trip, dangling upside down for 25 minutes on June 14.

Within weeks of the incident, Amy Yannotta, the mother of one of the riders, filed a lawsuit alleging negligence by Oaks Park. Since then, two more families have sued. All three lawsuits have been filed by lawyer Michael Fuller in Multnomah County Circuit Court and include similar allegations.

The Oaks Park Association, the nonprofit that runs the park, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The latest suit was filed July 23 on behalf of Glennda Solano and her 13-year-old daughter. (WW is not naming her because she is a minor.)

The lawsuit says Solano’s daughter “experienced trouble getting to sleep, medical expenses, ongoing post-traumatic stress and anxiety.” It, like the others, demands $345,000 in damages.